Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Remember Now...

I remember now why I love going to Annual Conference.

First, I love hearing about all the great things that the United Methodist Church is doing around the world in the name of Jesus Christ – including right here in our own Conference. From the lives that are touched by the Methodist Mission Home in San Antonio for unwed expectant mothers and people with disabilities, to the children who now know security and love at the Methodist Children’s Home in Waco. How adults who are mentally challenged can find and experience a purpose for their lives at Aldersgate Enrichment Center in Brownwood. And to discover and celebrate how local churches all over central Texas are finding ways to be Christ to their neighbors.

Second, I love being reminded of the call on my life by Jesus Christ. The guest preacher at all three worship services was Dr. Walter Kimbrough of Atlanta, Georgia, and he was outstanding. He called on those who call themselves Christians to commit to building the kingdom of God by focusing on the church being what we do for Christ and not just a building, by making disciples and not just church members, and by serving and not by being served.

And finally, I love knowing that our Bishop, J. Michael Lowry, really believes in Jesus Christ. I heard it in his opening address when he said that the church’s main objective is to build the kingdom of God. I saw it when he stopped all business to offer prayers for people’s illnesses, for families in their loss of loved ones, and for the safety of Olney, Texas in the face of a tornado. And, I felt it in the passion he had during his morning Bible study, in his words of challenge to those being ordained, and in his grace amidst the debates of the business sessions.

Yes, I remember now why I love going to Annual Conference, but I also remember why I serve Jesus.