Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Getting Out of the Boat

As I mentioned Sunday morning, the lesson we learn from the story of Peter's attempt to walk on the water is that, as believers, we sometimes have to step out of the comfortable and safe places of our lives to follow Jesus when he says, "Come." In other words, sometimes we have to get out of the boat to move forward in the ministry. I believe that we, as a church, did this at the Church Conference on Monday, August 4. By voting to sell half of Holy Ground making it possible to stay and build on the remaining half, we decided to follow Jesus out into the scary, unknown, and wonderful world of the uncomfortable. We decided to follow when Jesus said, "Come."

But, it is more than just closing our eyes and stepping purely out on faith. Peter did this and with the first sign of trouble, he began to sink. The lesson we must learn is that now that we have stepped out on the water, we must keep our eyes on Jesus. There will be times when we feel like we are sinking; there will be times when we wished we had stayed in the boat. But we must remember that Jesus led us here and it is Jesus who will catch us. I am proud to be the pastor of a church who wants to do the will of God; who wants to live out our mission even when it gets a little uncomfortable; who wants to step out of the boat, get our feet wet, and walk with Christ. Amen.

Pastor Bob

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Friday Night Lights, Guy Church & HOF Speeches

Are you ready for some football?

On Saturday morning the United Methodist Men welcomed Vista Ridge High School Head Football Coach Bill Wilder to our monthly breakfast. Coach Wilder spoke on the brief history of VRHS football and gave a preview of the upcoming season. He also stressed the importance of coaching staff's influence in the young men's lives and the role of families, church and school in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

The Rangers step up to district 14-5A this season to play the likes of Westwood, Cedar Park, Georgetown and Leander. They will have their hands full this year but who doesn't like an underdog? Thank you Coach Wilder and Go Rangers!

Guy Church?

I don't often read the USA Today. It is the newspaper for business travelers and those that stay at hotels. I can't remember a time when I read a USA Today when I was not staying at a hotel. While on a business trip (wink), an article caught my attention '...guys are few in the pews'. It is an article about the attendance of men at church and the role that men play at church and in their families and in the community. Tim, don't panic I am not suggesting out first phase building be a 'Guy Church' with 10 point bucks and 10 lb bass mounted on the wall, but there are some interesting statistics mentioned in the article. The quote that made me laugh... "A man is far more apt to come to a church event if another man asks him. If his wife asks him, he'll interpret that as nagging." Give it a read.

Pro Football Hall of Fame

I have to brag that I have the best wife in the world. As we piddled with house chores on Saturday we watch hours upon hours of Pro Football Hall of Fame speeches followed by the X Games motocross air finals. I win!

If you did not get a chance to see the Pro Football HOF speeches on Saturday I recommend you watch the speeches of Art Monk and Darrell Green. Both men are great examples that we all should aspire to be. The end of Darrell Greens speech is excellent.