Thursday, October 30, 2008

This Week @ Good News

Here is an abbreviated list...My post of this information is a little late.

Thursday – Women’s Bible Study – “The Women Who Danced by the Sea” – 7:00 p.m. @ Holy Ground led by Krista Ingram

Saturday – Men’s Breakfast – 8:00 a.m. @ Holy Ground – Guest speaker will be Rev. Harrison followed by work around Holy Ground
**Daylight Savings Time ends - Set your clock back one hour before you go to bed**

Sunday – Worship @ Block House Creek Elementary
9:30 – Sunday FUN for children
DM4Y for teens
Walking in the Faith for Adults
10:30 – Fellowship
10:45 – Encountering Jesus in Worship – Newest DM4Y video – “Do as I say, not as I do”
2:00 to 4:00 – Children’s Christmas Pageant rehearsal (contact Cynthia Waterman for more information at )
5:00 - Youth and Tweens meet @ Holy Ground – program will be led by Cynthia Waterman
For more information, go to

Monday, October 20, 2008

This week @ Good News

Here is a list of events scheduled in the life of Good News United Methodist Church for the next seven days.

Tuesday – Good News Book Club – “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations” – 7:00 p.m. @ Holy Ground led by Kip Harmon

Wednesday – Choir Practice – 6:30 p.m. @ Holy Ground

Thursday – Women’s Bible Study – “The Women Who Danced by the Sea” – 7:00 p.m. @ Holy Ground led by Krista Ingram

Saturday – The Great Pumpkin Sale at Good News – 10:00 until 6:00 – Games, bounce house, face painting, and more!
Contact Priscilla Hanson at for more information

Sunday – Worship @ Block House Creek Elementary
9:30 – Sunday FUN for children
DM4Y for teens
Walking in the Faith for Adults
10:30 – Fellowship
10:45 – Encountering Jesus in Worship – Sunday FUN’s Noah’s Ark special presentation
2:00 to 4:00 – Children’s Christmas Pageant rehearsal (contact Cynthia Waterman for more information at )
5:00 - Youth and Tweens meet @ Holy Ground
*Last Day of Pumpkin Sales

ALL WEEK – Pumpkin sales from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Many hands makes light work...

Well I am not sure if everyone would agree that it was light work! The Good News crew came together in fine fashion tonight to unload 900 pumpkins in preparation for our two week pumpkin patch and festival event this Saturday. Great work everyone! We got lot of work done in a very short period of time.

See ya Saturday for the big event!

Visit GNUMC online.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Facebook Challenge!

I have created a Facebook Group for Good News United Methodist Church. I am issuing you, dear readers of Going Forth, a challenge! Create your facebook profile and join the group! I am assuming you will figure out the rest along the way. For those of you who are lucky enough not to work a computer 8-10 hours a day this may be a steeper challenge, but I am sure you are up to the task!

  1. Why a facebook page doesn't GNUMC have a website and a blog and a youth blog? A: Our website is good for informational content (what, when, where). Our blogs tell stories and provides on going updates to the readers. There is some group interaction as readers comment on posts. A Facebook page is social networking. It connects people to friends, families, communities who share common interests. It is new type of communication tool. Just like email 15-20 years ago, social networking sites, like Facebook, are new communication tools.

  2. Is Facebook safe? A: Yes, but with any Internet Service you need to use common sense and make you own decisions about what you share and what you post and what you click on. For example, I did not post my gender and birth date in my profile. Based on my HR training that personal identifiable information is not needed. If you use common sense and only link to 'friends' that you know you will be fine. I also have been using the feature of rating the advertising on the right navigational panel. If I don't like and ad I give it a thumbs down and I assume that type of ad will eventually not be served up in the future.

  3. But is it safe for my kids? Yes, many teenagers are avid users of MySpace and Facebook. Would I let MY middle school child use it?, No... but that is me. I think there needs to be a higher level of maturity to know what to do and what not to do online. Use you own judgement about your own child and ask other parents and make your own decision.

  4. I created a profile, so now what? A: Search for a family member, a co-worker, neighbors, ask to be 'friends', JOIN THE GNUMC GROUP!, post pictures... The key is interacting with each other. I have come in contact with people I have not heard from in years. It's great!

The United Methodist Church is known as a 'connectional organization'. This Facebook page is an effort to connect with one another as members, family members (my sister in Garland joined, thanks 'Ria!), friends of the church, and anyone who has an interest in our mission.

We have 133 'members' at GNUMC and many, many more 'friends of GNUMC'. I don't know what to expect from this challenge, 50 members? 100 members? 200 members? ...let's see what happens!



Saturday, October 11, 2008

Welcome Krista Ingram

In September GNUMC received a pleasant surprise --- the assignment of a Pastoral Intern. Say Hello to Krista Ingram. She did a great job with her first sermon at Good News this past Sunday. We are blessed that she is following her calling here at our church. (Editorial comment...we need a few more Aggies at church. Whoop!) I asked her a few questions in email to post on the blog. Here is her reply....
As for family, I have one younger brother (Matthew) who lives in Wells Branch, and my mom Donna, who lives in Belton, Texas. My father was in the Army, so we traveled a lot, and I didn’t really “grow up” in any one particular place-this also makes tracking my school enrollment a little difficult. For my undergrad I went to Texas A&M, College Station, and I have a BS in Genetics. I worked in medical diagnostic genetics in Houston for about 4-5 years, then decided to follow my calling to ministry and enrolled at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 2005.

I am currently seeking ordination as an elder in The United Methodist Church, Central Texas Conference. The Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM) asked me to fulfill some internship requirements, and that’s how I landed at Good News!!! Pending a successful interview with the BOM this coming spring, I will become a provisional elder for several years, after which I will hopefully be ordained as a full elder. While at Good News I will be participating in worship (preaching, communion, etc), attend various church meetings to see the inner workings of Good News, travel with Bob to Central Texas Conference clergy meetings, lead a women’s bible study, and just generally be a nuisance!!

For fun, I like to go trail running with my dog, Schatzie. I have to stay in pretty good shape in order to meet the Air Force Reserve physical fitness requirements. I started my journey with the USAFR this summer, when I went to officer training and chaplain training. As a part of the chaplain candidate program, I must complete another 35 day training tour, which will happen this coming spring.

I also love to go dancing, something I don’t do often enough. I love to try new restaurants, because I don't like to cook!! Mostly, any down time I have now is spent just hanging out with friends and family.

Something else that keeps me pretty busy is my job: I am an independent distributor for Premier Designs jewelry. I love working for a Christian company based on integrity and biblical principles. Plus, I get my little paws on all the seasons’ newest jewelry trends!! Who says a pastor can’t be fashion forward?!?

Speaking of jewelry...we learned a valuable lesson about keeping the shell necklace away from the lapel microphone. :)

Welcome Krista!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pastor's Report for Charge Conference

As a requirement for our annual Charge Conference, which was held last night at Holy Ground, I as the pastor of Good News, submitted a "state of the church" report for our District Superintendent, Rev. Rankin Koch, to see how God is working in our congregation. Here is that report:

I believe that Good News United Methodist Church is unique among other churches. Not just because it has met in a school for the past six years and seven months. Not just because week in and week out its members convert a gym into a house of worship. Not just because of its great abundance of young families. And not just because it sits on some of the most valuable land in Cedar Park. It is because Good News is filled with people who have a real desire to serve God and their community, to grow in their relationship with God, and to be a church ahead of building a church. This means making the ministry of Jesus Christ (the various expressions of our mission) our only business.

With this renewed vision of our role in the bigger picture of the advancement of the kingdom of God, we have realized that God has blessed us with the land we call Holy Ground. God has opened the door for us to stay on this valuable property to build a mission station that will serve God for years to come. We are presently in the process of selling 6.09 acres of our 13.44 acres for the construction of a nursing home. This will not only provide the capital necessary to build our first phase, but will also provide us a new opportunity to offer Jesus Christ through ministry to our new neighbors. Additionally, the land sits within three tenths of a mile from the new hospital (where ministry is already happening through clergy visits, get well cards made by the children, and meals for family and staff) and half a mile from the newly started Cedar Park Event Center. The city will also begin widening and straightening East New Hope Road allowing Good News to be on the road to everywhere for those living on the east side of road 183A. This is only one example of what God can do if we concentrate on doing our job and allow God to do His.

However, this is only one way God has blessed Good News. It has also occurred in the various expressions of the ministry we offer. With the return to one service and to Block House Creek Elementary School, we have added both an adult Sunday school class (averaging over 15 each Sunday) and a youth Sunday school class (averaging over 10 each Sunday). We have also witnessed the growth of our music ministry both in the number of people who participate and in the variety of music styles offered. It has personified what it means to be a means of grace; to be an opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ. We also celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion each week believing it to be one of the most important opportunities for this encounter to occur. In addition, our children’s ministry, our tween’s ministry, and our youth ministry continue to grow in numbers and in opportunities offered.

These opportunities to encounter the kingdom of God have expanded for adults, as well. In 2008, Good News United Methodist Church became the newest United Methodist Men’s charter. We have also expanded the opportunities for adults by offering a class in Methodist history and the newly formed Good News Book Club. We are currently studying and discussing Bishop Robert Schnase’s book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations led by Kip Harmon.

My vision for Good News United Methodist Church is that we will continue to seek new expressions of our mission and remain faithful to the work to which we are called allowing God to provide what we need to get the job done.

2009 promises to be a very exciting year for Good News United Methodist Church. I am grateful that I will get to be your pastor as we experience it together.

Pastor Bob

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Everyone is a Winner!

Step right up! Spin the wheel and win a prize. Everyone is a winner!

On Saturday GNUMC had a booth the the Leander Fall Festival and Craft Fair. Our carnival barker (Pastor Rainey) directed festival goers to spin the wheel and win a prize. Each spin of the wheel cost $1 for a chance to win Free Lunch, Cookies, a Coffee Mug full of candy, a goodie bag, a stuffed animal or face painting. The real winner on the day was the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and the victims of hurricane Ike. All proceeds from the wheel went to UMCOR for hurricane Ike relief. Thanks to the fine citizens of Leander we raised over $400 on Saturday.