Wednesday, June 4, 2008


If you haven't read the post below, skip down and read about the beginning of the day at Annual Conference first.

After leaving annual conference, I was able to attend the Service of Commissioning and Ordination ceremony at First UMC of Ft. Worth. This is a beautiful facility situated at the edge of downtown Ft. Worth on a hill. Here is a view as I was leaving.

This is not church in a school building - check out the inside. It was filled to capacity with family, friends and congregation members of those being ordained and commissioned. I was pleased to be able to attend and support Bob as a congregation memeber of Good News at this important milestone of his ministry. Judy and Richard left home late Tuesday afternoon and came for the evening service. They also had to go back for school on Wednesday, so it was a late evening for everybody.

The service began with wonderful music from the Open Door Band at Trinity UMC in Arlington. Then much like a graduation, there was a procession of the candidates with their spouses and sponsors. The worship bulletin is twelve pages long and the service included not only wonderful Methodist music, but a sermon by Bishop Mike Watson of the South Georgia Area. Bishop Watson reminded the audience that we are all ministers, but that these candidates have been set apart to serve God and their congegations. After the sermon, the candidates filed to the front as their name was called, hands were laid on them and they received a bible and a stole as symbols of their office in the Church. Robert Edward Rainey (Pastor Bob to us) was ordained a full elder in the United Methodist Church. As his name was called, with Judy standing behind him, and hands laid on him, those friends, family and supporters stood in silent prayer in the audience for him. I stood on behalf of our congregation and prayed for Bob, Judy and Richard and their ministry at Good News. Congratulations Bob, we are VERY proud of you!

A reception followed the service and Bob was greeted by people from all over the Conference. Here he is pictured with Allen Goss of Church Growth and Development.

Grace and peace,
Tim Lowke


John McDaniel said...

Congratulations Bob! We have been blessed by your appointment to GNUMC.

John McDaniel said...

FUMC Ft Worth is a great building. Gothic, historic and beautiful. Shannon and I have attended a few Christmas Eve services at this church. Plus it is in downtown Ft. Worth which in the best little/big city in Texas.