Sunday, May 18, 2008

Top 10 List

It has been a very long time since my last post. Much has happened in the life and times of GNUMC since late March. I am presenting a recap in the form of a Top 10 list.

Top 10 reasons I love Good News United Methodist Church!

Number 10: United Methodist Women’s Silent Auction. A great event, great items donated for auction and a great time had by all. Thanks to Cedar Park United Methodist for the use of their church!
Number 9: Sunday School For All Ages. On Sunday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 the church is abuzz with laughing and singing kids & wonderful discussion at youth and adult classes, but THE place to be is the nursery! Alicia and Amy have the toddlers laughing and playing.
Number 8: Breakfast on 2nd Sunday. This has become a real crowd pleaser plus it is raising needed funds for the Youth Mission Trip. You can count on full tummy, fellowship and a late start to worship with Pastor Bob weaving through the crowd saying “time for church!”
Number 7: Methodist Class Tuesday night. We are completing the first installment of the Methodist 101 class on May 20th. We have learned about John Wesley and the Methodist Movement, the early Methodist church after the Revolutionary War, the history of the church in the 1800s and 1900s and foundational beliefs of the Methodist Church. Watch the church calendar for the next class!
Number 6: Supporting Story Book Project. On Mother’s Day we collected books to support the TIFA Storybook Project of Texas. The Storybook Project allows incarcerated parents to engage in the reading development of their small children and provides an opportunity for meaningful contact between the child and the parent. Thank you Pat Roberts for bringing this opportunity to serve to our church.
Number 5: United Methodist Men BBQ. On Friday and Saturday May 17/18 the UMM smoked over 100 lbs of brisket, sausage and chicken, prepared gallons of beans and coleslaw and created meals for many, many families. All to support the Youth Mission Trip and the added bonus of the church workday to clean up the land for VBS. Thank you Brette Riley for organizing the event and all of the UMM who planned and participated.
Number 4: DMFY (Digital Ministries for Youth). David Luscombe and the youth produce entertaining digital shorts.
Number 3: Singing “We are the Church Together” with a big smile. Ok, ok… it is a simple song with a simple melody, but the message is spot on. Plus looking back and seeing Richard towering over the other youth doing the hand gestures to the song and laughing and then looking at his dad, Pastor Bob, doing the same is sight I will not soon forget.
Number 2: Vacation Bible School. VBS is June 23rd – 27th. You have to see it and be a part of it to understand how much fun it is. The kids have a blast for 5 days and the adults who volunteer get to be a kid again!
And the Number 1 reason I love Good News UMC. Our Mission: To offer the children, youth, and families of Cedar Park/Leander the opportunity to encounter the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ in our worship, small groups, special events, and daily lives so as to transform the world one relationship at a time.

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