Saturday, February 9, 2008

Stocking at HCCM - Good News Youth

Good News Youth spent part of their Saturday morning stocking shelves at Hill Country Community Ministries. This was an extension of mission work we did last week as part of Souper Bowl of Caring. Thanks to all who came and worked on filling shelves for our community. HCCM can really use the following items in addition to our regular peas and shampoo ---- canned fruit, breakfast cereal, personal hygiene items and laundry soap. If you can help, please bring your donations to church each Sunday and drop them off in the Giving Center basket.

Don't forget Good News Youth are hosting our first Second Sunday Breakfast tomorrow - bring your appetite and enjoy good food and fellowship at 10:30 am. Donations accepted benefiting our upcoming conference sponsored mission trip in Summer 2008. Thanks to UMW and youth parents for providing food.

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